Why Does Chain Saw Tighten Up After Running?

Do you own a chain saw?

If youre like most people, you probably use your chain saw for occasional projects around the yard. But did you know that if you dont take care of it properly, your chain saw can quickly become a dangerous tool in your hands?

Thats why weve put together this guide on how to keep your chain saw running smoothly and why it tightens up after running.

Why Does The Chain Saw Tighten Up After Running:

Here are some reasons why the chain saw might tighten up after running:

1. The chain saw might be too tight:

The engine will work harder if the chain saw is not tight enough. It might also be more difficult to tighten the engine after running.

2. The chain saw could be dirty

If the chain saw is dirty, it will cause the engine to work harder and it might tighten up after running.

3. The chain saw might need oil:

If the chain saw doesnt have enough oil, it will cause the engine to work harder and it might tighten up after running.

4. The chain saw might be used incorrectly:

The incorrect use of the chain saw can make the engine work harder, and the engine might become tighter after it has run.

5. The chain saw might be old:

If the chain saw is old, it might not be able to handle the load of the engine and it might tighten up after running.

6. There might be a problem with the engine:

A problem with an engine will make the chain saw work harder, and the chain might become tighter after it has run.

7. You might have the wrong gear for your chainsaw:

The wrong gear can cause the engine to work harder, and the engine might become more efficient after running.

8. The chain saw might not be balanced:

If the chain saw is not balanced, it will cause the engine to work harder and it might tighten up after running.

9. There might be a problem with the carburetor:

The carburetor may be faulty, which will make the chain saw work harder. It might also cause it to tighten up when it runs.

10. It is possible that the spark plug needs to be replaced.

The engine will work harder if the spark plug is damaged and may tighten up after it has been running.

These are just a few reasons your chain saw may tighten up after you run it. If you are having this problem, be sure to check these things to see if they might be the cause.

How To Stop Chain Saw From Tightening After Running:

Here are some steps how to prevent chain saw tightening up after running.

1. Make sure the chain saw is properly lubricated. Chainsaw oil can help to keep everything moving smoothly and prevent the chain from getting too tight.

2. Keep your chain razor-sharp. The saw will bind and tighten if the chain is dull.

3. Regularly check the tension on the chain. If its too tight, it can cause the saw to bind as well. Loosen if necessary.

4. Keep the chain clean. Dirt, dirt and other debris can build up on the chain making it difficult to move. Regularly clean up any dirt and debris.

5. Make sure you use the right type of fuel for your saw. Some fuels can be thicker than others, which can lead to the engine running too hot and a tighter chain.

6. Be aware of the climate you are using your chain saw in. If its cold, the chain will be tighter as it contracts in the cold weather. Conversely, if its hot, the chain will be looser as it expands in the heat.

7. Finally, make sure that all screws and bolts on the chain saw are tight. The chain can also bind if there are loose screws or bolts.

Safety Tips:

These are safety tips for chainsaw users:

1. Before you use the chainsaw, make sure to read the owner’s manual.

2. Protective gear includes a hard hat and goggles, long pants, boots and gloves.

3. You can saw the wood in an open space that has plenty of room for maneuvering.

4. Cut at a comfortable angle, not against your body.

5. Dont try to force the saw through the wood let the blade do the work.

6. Keep both hands on the saw handle when cutting.

7. Dont overreach maintain good footing and balance at all times.

8. Stop the saw if it binds up or stalls.

9. Inspect the chain saw blade before use and keep it sharp.

10. When not in use, disconnect the chain saw power supply.

11. Store the chain saw in a safe place out of reach of children.

These safety tips will help to reduce injury when using a chainsaw.


Is This A Common Problem?

A: Yes, it is common for chain saws to tighten up after running. It is often due to too hot chain saws.

What Can I Do To Prevent It From Happening?

A: One way to help prevent this from happening is to allow the chain saw to cool down before putting it away. You can also try using a lubricant to help keep the chain saw running smoothly.

What Do You Think Is The Root Cause Of The Issue? ?

A: The root cause of the issue is likely that the chain saw is becoming too hot and not lubricated properly. This can cause the chain to tighten up and become difficult to move.


We showed you how to identify and fix the issue of a chain saw tightening up after running.